How to Fix a Water Leak in the Basement?

by | Last updated May 11, 2022 | Water/Mold Damage

Water leaks in the basement are common. However, if we’re honest, they’re a pain in the backside. If left unattended to, they result in a build-up of mold and other harmful bacteria, they soak furnishings or storage items, and well, it results in a wet basement… which nobody wants.

This article will provide you with several actionable tips on how to fix a water leak in the basement. And if you’re not quite up to the task or don’t fancy getting wet, then the team at Jacob’s Ladder is here to help.

Removing the water from your basement

If you have a water leak in the basement, the first thing you need to do is remove the water. And while that may sound simple, it can be a lot more difficult than you initially think.

For example, if there’s a large volume of water, you may require a pump to remove this. However, if you’ve caught a leak early, you may be able to remove the water with a bucket or other more basic equipment.

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Once you’ve removed the water, like all damp areas, you should dry the basement out. Drying out the basement prevents a further build-up of mold or other harmful bacteria.

You can do this with multiple fans, or if working with a professional, they may use other, more advanced equipment.

Finding the source of the leak

Okay, now that the water has been removed, it’s time to find the source of the leak.

Finding this early is vital, as if you don’t, well, it will keep flooding…

There are many common causes of leaks, but the main culprits include overflowing gutters and poor landscaping.

We recommend inspecting the gutters first, ensuring these are not clogged up and causing water to run down the side of the house and into the basement.

If clearing the gutters does not fix the problem, then it’s time to assess the landscaping. If water naturally runs down to the basement, then you’ve likely found the problem.

Call a team of professionals to identify and fix a water leak in your basement

If you’re unsure whether the leak is coming from or need help removing the water from your basement, then contact the team at Jacob’s Ladder today.

We can help you fix a water leak in the basement, followed up with actionable solutions to stop this from happening in the future.

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